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Behavior Matrix

Carl A. Furr Elementary School

   C   Core Behavior MATRIX



Classroom / CONNECT

Hallways / Walkways





I am..


I will…

use walking feet

keep body & items to self

use classroom tools for their purpose

remain in area designated by adult

use quiet walking feet

keep eyes and body forward

level 0 at all times

keep hands, feet, body and items to myself

stay seated and face forward, “once you sit, that’s it”

use walking feet

keep body & food to myself

carry my tray with two hands

quiet walking feet

keep my hands, feet and body to myself

follow all routines and procedures

tell an adult if I feel unsafe or it is unclean

Line up when the whistle blows/first signal

Enter the building at Level 0

Leave rocks, dirt and mulch on the ground

stay where adults can see me

keep hands, feet and body to myself

Sit with back on back of seat, bottom on seat and feet on floor

Listen carefully to adults


I am…


I will…

stay on task

keep area clean

keep items in their designated place

use appropriate voice levels, as directed by adult

transition within the class appropriately

walk in a straight line  & on the right side of hall or walkway

use stop and start points

Go through the line at Level 0

Use a Level 1 voice and talk only to people at my table

follow entry and dismissal routine of class

raise my hand if I need help

Level 0

wait your turn

leave the restroom clean

patiently wait your turn for equipment

follow routines for entering and exiting the playground

use playground equipment appropriately

Listen to bus driver

 Follow the bus rules

I am… 


I will…

complete work to the best of my ability

listen to others thoughts and ideas

finish my work in a timely manner

follow directions

report problems to an adult

follow adult directions

wear my nametag

clean up after myself

Place trash in the proper place

complete a class job in a timely manner

I will flush, wash hands, and throw paper towels in the trash.

Tell an adult about messes or broken items

report problems with adults after trying to solve with words first

take care of playground equipment

Keep my belongings in my backpack

Keep hands, feet, and other objects to myself

Use a quiet voice and kind words

I am… 


I will…

treat items that belong to others nicely

raise my hand to speak during instruction

be prepared with all materials for class, ask if I need items

maintain personal space 

refrain from touching others work or property

be kind and courteous

eat only my food

use forks and spoons appropriately

complete a class job in a timely manner

value the privacy of others

exit the bathroom and rejoin my class

follow directions of adults

share with others

be a team player and a good sport

invite others to play with me

use kind words

sit in my assigned seat

walk to and from the bus

pay attention, so I get off and on at my assigned bus stop